Saturday, October 9, 2010


The steps of the egg project seemed to slip right by my group.  Once the time started, instead of choosing a team leader and a notetaker, we all began to brainstorm ideas.  After we came up with about two or three decent ideas, someone mentioned that we needed to draw a sketch of our design.  After we did that, the straws were handed out, and we all focused on beginning our contraption.  Without a team leader to make sure we were following the correct steps, we had left out a large portion of the task.  When we arrived at the front of the room, we had not even written the name of the egg on our piece of paper.  Once it was our turn to drop the egg, I stepped onto the table, let it go, and plop. egg was FINE. 10 extra points were a NO GO.  We had forgotten to record all our team members names on the project sketch.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is why you follow DIRECTIONS.


  1. You are completely right at least we learned a good lesson from this and I am sure that the same mistakes will not occur if another chance is given… At least we know that we could have done it right if only we did as we were told :)

  2. all people in the team were just in the Unbreakable egg, nothing else in our mind (our names) as well. hopefully next time we will finish reading our task before we begin (if we can still be in the same group).

  3. This post does not comply with the requirements of your assignment. Perhaps you wqould like to rethink this?

    --prof K
